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1. Walking among Angels instalation

6. Walking Among Angels instalation

Angels view


My Angels
Relief Prints on Silk Dimensions vary

My Angels Installation (detail)
Relief Prints on Silk Dimensions vary

My Angels detail
Relief Prints on Silk Dimensions vary




2813 (1)


Woodcut on Silk 36"w x 48" h $400.00

Love Detail
Woodcut on Silk

Love (purple)
Woodcut on Silk 36"w x 48" h $400.00

Love (purple) detail
Woodcut on Silk

Purple Butterfly Kisses
Woodcut on Fabric 36"w x 72"h $400.00

butterflie kisses (red)
Woodcut on Fabric 36"w x 72"h $400.00

My Angel in Brown
Woodcut on Fabric 36"w x 72"h $400.0

Routine (brown)
Woodcut on Fabric 36"w x 72"h $400.0

Routie (blue)
Woodcut on Fabric 36"w x 72"h $400.0

routine (green)
Woodcut on Fabric 36"w x 72"h $400.0

Walking with My Angel
Woodcut on Fabric 36"w x 72"h $400.0

Walking (red)
Woodcut on Fabric 36"w x 72"h $400.0

My Angel in Blue
Monotype on Fabric 36"w x 48"h $300.00

just chilling (red)
Woodcut on Fabric 36"w x 72"h $400.0

Just Chilling
Woodcut on Fabric 36"w x 72"h $400.0

2. Walking in Cartagena

3. Tourist in Cartagena de Indias

4. Walking Downtown Cartagena

5. Un cafecito en red
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